Spastic Arm

Taming Tone – The Introduction

All 5 actionable areas contribute mightily to the debilitating effects of stroke, but tone can be the most intractable and is often the final impediment to a full recovery. This post will begin the tone category by defining and describing tone. Tone used to be called spasticity, but spasticity is very hard to say for…

Brain Neuro Fibers

Coming Soon – Nurturing Neurons

In this Overcome Stroke Resource (OSR), we focus on 5 actionable areas of stroke recovery; alleviating atrophy, correcting compensations, taming tone, nurturing neurons, and solving sensory deficits (ACTNS – remember it as “actions”). OSR will have a blog category for each of these 5 actions comprised of many posts about the ideas, experience, research, therapies,…

Symmetry in Nature

Correcting Compensations – The Introduction

You are a survivor. A stroke survivor certainly, but surviving your stroke is just the latest in a long line, a very long line, of successful surviving. If fact, your unique combination of more than 3 billion genes exists today only because it has been entrusted to a long line of survivors extending back more…

Coming Soon

Coming Soon – Solving Sensory Deficits

In this Overcome Stroke Resource (OSR), we focus on 5 actionable areas of stroke recovery; alleviating atrophy, correcting compensations, taming tone, nurturing neurons, and solving sensory deficits (ACTNS – remember it as “actions”). OSR will have a blog category for each of these 5 actions comprised of many posts about the ideas, experience, research, therapies,…

Living For Full Recovery – The Introduction

The OSR also includes a category called “Living,” which is not one of the 5 actionable areas of a full recovery because it supports all five areas. The posts in Living are also about ideas and lifestyle changes that will make the journey go faster and be more tolerable, pleasant, and satisfying. Also, while the…